
You’re Golden Bouquet by Teleflora

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $59.00.



  1. Introducing a stunning floral arrangement that captures the essence of a radiant sunrise, this bouquet features vibrant sunflowers artfully arranged in a charming wooden vase. Each sunflower, with its bold and cheerful yellow petals, symbolizes warmth and positivity, making it an ideal gift for someone special in your life.
  2. Complementing the sunflowers are delicate accents of oregonia, magnolia leaves, and lemon leaf, which add a touch of elegance and texture to the composition. The inclusion of moss enhances the natural aesthetic, creating a harmonious blend of colors and elements that evoke the beauty of nature. Delivered in a stylish Bamboo Cube, this arrangement not only serves as a delightful centerpiece but also as a heartfelt expression of love and appreciation, perfect for any occasion.


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